First off, the acting. Everyone I thought was perfectly cast, along with Shia LeBeouf, which in my opinion is destined to be one of the biggest stars in the coming years. Harrison Ford is at its best, even at 65 years old, it’s good to know he can still handle kicks and punches like a pro. Karen Allen is great as always playing Marion, which incidentally is Indy’ first love interest. Cate Blanchett shines the movie’s prime villain. Her cool hairdo and fake Russian accent truly makes her a true actor capable of any role given to her. Supporting characters favored really well, though I felt John hurt’s character was a little underused.
For the story, it remains simple and straight. Though some of the narrative is pretty boring, the actions scenes are really fun. From the opening warehouse scene, which the Ark of the Covenant made its cameo from the Raiders of the Lost Ark to the jungle scenes, all the scenes reminded me of the old trilogy back when I was watching it as a child.
When director Steven Spielberg said that they wanted to stick to practical effects for the film, it felt that the CGI was too much. While it was impressive at parts, there seems to be something in the movies that felt really artificial. And without giving away spoilers, there was one scene in the jungles with Shia and the monkeys. I mean, what the hell was that? Sure there are some impossible things that were shown in the film, but I think they’ve gone too far.
While the main point of the story centers around the illusive Crystal Skulls, which technically has an origin that is out of this world (literally), it felt like something that not a typical Indiana Jones film. The movie sure had its moments, but overall it felt like a typical Hollywood film I’ve seen before – only that it IS Indiana Jones. People maybe rejoicing it’s comeback, but in the end I still miss the old days when movies don’t solely rely on special effects. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull: 7/10