Here are the highest grossing films of 2007 (from
1. Spider-Man 3 ($336,530,303)
2. Shrek the Third ($321,012,359)
3. Transformers ($319,071,806)
4. Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End ($309,420,425)
5. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix ($292,004,738)
6. The Bourne Ultimatum ($227,471,070)
7. 300 ($210,614,939 )
8. Ratatouille ($206,445,654)
9. The Simpsons Movie ($183,135,014)
10. Wild Hogs ($168,273,550) - this crap earned something?!
Friday, December 28, 2007
Top Ten Films of 2007 (Highest-grossing)
Posted by vP® at 12:22 AM 0 reactions
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Vp's Top Movies of the Year 2007
While admittedly some these films are blunders and/or potential blockbusters, they are the films that made me excited when watching it in the theater and heavily anticipated them on DVD. Let the countdown begin.

10. Grindhouse (Planet Terror/Death Proof) - Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez's double feature was a definite must watch for me. While it bombed at the box-office, it's intense action and over the top gore makes it a worthy addition to my fave films.

9. Hairspray - I have soft side for musicals. I loved each scene that went into this film... and seeing John Travolta in drag is a plus.

8. Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End - Though the running time was almost clocked in at 3 hours, it was pure fun and thrills in the last (?) chapter of the Pirates trilogy.

7. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - Harry's 5thyear at Hogwarts were met with inevitable chaos when Lord Voldemort, err... He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named begins to silently wreak havoc on the wizarding world. With superb performances by Imelda Staunton and Helena Bonham Carter, this is surely a must-see.

6. The Bourne Ultimatum - I'm really not a fan of films like these. However, since seeing the 2ndfilm, I was attached to the film. In the 3rdfilm, which supposedly is the end of the Bourne series, finds Jason Bourne on track to find the reason why people are pissed with him. Fueled with non-stop action, this film adds a satisfying finale to a great trilogy.

5. 300 - Frank Miller's graphic novel about 300 Spartans that went against all odds against their enemies of a million in count. Gore and epic action ensures. Plus, memorable lines that shall not be forgotten: "This is SPARTA!" or "SPARTANS! Tonight we dine in hell!"

4. Ratatouille - Pixar never fails to amuse us with simple storylines with heart. A story of a rat who wants to become a chef is the focus of their latest offering. Superb animation and touching moments make this one of the best animated films of the year.

3. Spider-Man 3 - While I'm die-hard Spider-Man movie fan, I was disappointed with the 3rd film. There's too much storylines to be told and the villains were too blunt. Still, the epic action sequences make up for it. While it may not be the best, I still like it.

2. Die Hard 4.0 (Live Free or Die Hard) - Ah, even old age cannot stop John McClane in preventing terrorists from messing with the U.S. of A. Filled with thrilling car chases and stunts and explosions, along with Willis' signature line, this is simply a must-watch.

1. Transformers - Being a fan of the toy line and the cartoon, I almost cannot sleep the night before this movie opened. While some critics may bash the storyline and Michael Bay's directing, I still loved the film. After all, it's the robots I'm interested in seeing.
Special Mentions: Hot Fuzz, Knocked Up, Superbad, The Simpsons Movie
Posted by vP® at 8:49 AM 0 reactions
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Merry Christmas!
Posted by vP® at 6:47 PM 1 reactions
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Birthdays and holidays
Posted by vP® at 11:14 AM 0 reactions
Saturday, November 24, 2007
A foggy morning
Posted by vP® at 11:51 AM 0 reactions
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Recently, a friend of mine showed this blog: Blog ni Inday, which documents all text messages and stories by the famed housemaid. While some may find it corny or over-acting at times, it's where I find a small amount of smiles and laughters whenever I'm lonely. Recently, the Probe Team aired an episode chronicling Inday's impact for Filipinos everywhere (video below this post).
Posted by vP® at 9:33 AM 0 reactions
Labels: inday
Monday, November 19, 2007
Posted by vP® at 7:16 PM 0 reactions
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Posted by vP® at 8:16 PM 0 reactions
Monday, November 12, 2007
Posted by vP® at 8:46 AM 0 reactions
Labels: facebook
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
vP's Top Movie Picks for Halloween

Happy Halloween everyone! This halloween, instead of dressing up in a costume and knocking doors at my neighborhood saying "trick or treat" (which I know I'm too old to do), I'll instead immerse myself on watching scary movies. Here some of my picks for the best films to watch on All Hallow's Eve. Some of you may argue on some of the films I placed on this list, but these are my favorites. If you have any violent reactions, let’s take it out to the parking lot (kidding!). Bring out the popcorn and have one hell of a night!
Exhibit A: The Classics
The Silence of the Lambs (1991)
“Hello, Clarice…” those are the chilling words that came out of the mouth of infamous cannibal Dr. Hannibal Lecter (Anthony Hopkins) while speaking to FBI agent Clarice Starling (Jodie Foster). Overall the film may not be as scary as you think, but seeing Hannibal’s eyes stare blankly at you just is just plain creepy.
Scariest scene: When Clarice discovers what’s inside the jar.
Halloween (1978)
A deranged 6 year-old-boy kills her older sister. Boy was locked away in a sanitarium. After 15 years, boy gets out, wields a large butcher knife and starts murdering babysitters – all on All Hollow’s Eve. Halloween was one of the best slasher films I’ve seen. John Carpenter’s classic was one of the few horror movies that are really scary.
Scariest scene: When Laurie shouts out for Tommy as Michael is approaching.
Poltergeist (1982)
Imagine you build your dream house on a sacred Indian burial ground. Definitely you’re bound to see spirits in no time. This disturbing tale of the supernatural really was so scary, even the real actors died a couple of months after shooting the film, which makes it even creepier.
Scariest scene: When the little girls stared at the TV and said, “They’re here”
The Exorcist (1978)
The devil really is a scary being. In this film it manages to turn innocent young Regan into a deranged demon from hell. I actually was praying when watching this.
Scariest Scene: The spider-walk stairway descent (Available only on “The Version You’ve Never Seen”)
The Omen (1976)
What if the 6 year old boy you had was actually the spawn of Satan?! The Omen may not offer edge of your seat thrills, but thinking that a little boy is capable of doing nasty deaths is enough is to get you scared.
Scariest Scene: When Damien’s nanny commits suicide on his 6th birthday.
Carrie (1976)
This film taught me not to make fun of overly serious geeks in school. They might turn out to have telekinesis and might just kill you on your prom. Ah, imagine all that blood on my tux!
Scariest Scene: What else?! The prom scene!
Jaws (1975)
A then unknown Steven Spielberg made a splashing debut with his little fish film. Haha! And you thought it was safw to go back to the water.
Scariest Scene: Not much of the scene, but just the theme itself, “dum, dum” is scary.
Evil Dead (1981)
Before Sam Raimi went to direct Spider-Man, he had his own superhero, and his name was Ash. A mix of sublime comedy amidst a horror background, this is one of the cult classics that’s a definite must watch.
Scariest Scene: When they start reading from the Book of the Dead and… well, you know what happens next.
Alien (1979)
Director Ridley Scott’s film was thought to be another sci-fi movie ala Star Wars. But no, enter a large spaceship (with claustrophobic surroundings), a then unknown Sigourney Weaver in the lead, and a face-hugging, chest-bursting alien on the loose, and you’ve got yourself a 2 hour scare ride from start to finish.
Scariest Scene: When the alien bloodily bursts out of Kane’s chest.
Exhibit B: The Remakes
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003)
This is one of the few remakes I actually liked. The scares were there and all gore that you can possibly imagine. Plus, you get to experience Jessica Biel’s boo-tay. (I can’t believe I just said that)
Scariest Scene: When Erin hides inside a meat processing plant (inside a dead animals carcass) to escape from Leatherface.
Dawn of the Dead (2004)
Ah, Zack Snyder’s remake of the George Romero classic was truly one of the zombie films I really enjoyed. Trapped in mall with the dead lurking outside, you can’t help but fell safe that your favorite coffee shop is still in tact.
Scariest Scene: When Ana sees the chaos in the streets and realizes what’s going on.
The Ring (2002)
Though many still love the original Japanese movie, I still dug this remake. Naomi Watts really was a good choice for the lead. This movie reminded me not to accommodate calls that says “seven days” in a whispered voice.
Scariest Scene: When dear old Samara comes out of the TV.
Exhibit C: The Modern Thrillers
Se7en (1995)
This story follows a two detective on a route to catch a serial killer that tortures his victims according to the seven deadly sins. And I never imagined Kevin Spacey to be this bad.
Scariest Scene: When Brad Pitt discovers what’s inside the box.
The Blair Witch Project (1999)
This mock documentary about three filmmakers who are on a search about a local urban myth caused quite a stir when it was released back in 1999. Although none of it was true, it still sends chills down my spine every time I see this film.
Scariest Scene: The ending… “what was that?”
Exhibit D: All time favorite
The Scream Trilogy (1996, 1997, 2000)
Wes Craven’s horror movie about a bunch of movie crazed teenagers stalked by movie crazed serial killer gained positive reaction and ultimately the horror genre. Writer Kevin Williamson’s edgy script combined thrills and weird tongue-in-cheek situations that spawned 2 more sequels. A definite watch for everyone.
Scariest Scene: When Drew Barrymore died in the opening scene. I mean, who kills a major character in the opening scene?
Posted by vP® at 8:53 AM 0 reactions
Friday, October 26, 2007
Movie Review: Resident Evil Extinction
Posted by vP® at 12:56 PM 0 reactions
Labels: film, resident evil, review
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Eid Mubarak everyone! Now that Ramadan's over, everything's back to normal. As well, back to waiting long hours in the bus stop. Hehe.
Posted by vP® at 8:39 PM 0 reactions
Labels: eid
Friday, October 05, 2007
Dubai sunrise
Posted by vP® at 6:09 PM 0 reactions
Labels: dubai
Monday, October 01, 2007
In general
However, I asked myself the question; “In general”… what do I feel right now? It’s like answering a better part of an interview. Well, working here was a blast. I had fun meeting a WHOLE lot of wonderful people. But besides that, I still miss home. I know some of you may say that I have a wonderful opportunity here. But it seems for the last 4 months I’ve been missing home so terribly. I guess it’s too early to tell right now what I feel. Probably I’ll just spend these next few months looking blankly at my computer screen and decide if all of these would ultimately be worth it. Others may say that you really have to sacrifice everything but I guess I’m really not that patient. “Blame it on the milkman” as they say.
Posted by vP® at 1:56 PM 0 reactions
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
What a week!
I know it’s not yet the weekend but I am now actually very tired and can’t wait for Friday! Last week my grandparents came here in Dubai for a short vacation before going on a 3-month stay at the UK. It was great seeing them again.
For the past week we’ve been constantly on the move, going to malls and eating out, treating ‘tatay’ and ’nanay’ for a quick trip around the city. But it was tiring. Now that everything seems to be back to normal, I am now feeling tired and sleepy due to last week’s hectic ‘agenda’…
I wanna sleep… (Insert yawning emoticon here…)
Posted by vP® at 8:26 AM 0 reactions
Thursday, September 13, 2007
GITEX Technology Week 2007
Posted by vP® at 10:49 AM 0 reactions
Labels: GITEX
Monday, September 03, 2007
Giorgio Armani - Attitude
Posted by vP® at 4:33 PM 0 reactions
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Rob Zombie’s Halloween

Posted by vP® at 3:50 PM 0 reactions
Movie Review: The Bourne Ultimatum

Posted by vP® at 3:44 PM 0 reactions
Monday, August 27, 2007
The irregularities of public transport
Wow I never realized I’d let week pass by without posting a blog entry. I immersed myself at work, keeping myself busy with reviewing things and at the same time enjoying what I do. Yesterday though was a hassle, not because of work, but due to the time I spent waiting for a bus to go home. Imagine this: I went out at exactly 5:10pm, so I may be able to catch the 5:30pm bus (I still have to walk a long way to the bus stop). To my surprise, not even one bus (that passes through my home) came by… and it’s already pass 7pm. Wow! I never imagined to wait that long! Finally, I just decided to walk, thinking I would arrive at my destination faster than any vehicles around… (Even if you got on a bus, intense traffic will still cost you more time). This is the only thing I hate about this place, the irregularity of public transport. The RTA said they would want people to consider alternate modes of transport, but how can people adjust to that scheme if we would spend hours just waiting for a bus. Now, they’ve tried reasoning that the Dubai Metro is on its way to becoming a reality… but that is still a few years away. Additionally, I can now take a tour of the city free with every bus ride. Why? Due to the enormous detours the bus has to take. I mean, why is everyone in a hurry to develop this city? They want Dubai to be a major tourist destination in the Middle East, they keep populating this place. *Sigh* I just wish something could be done immediately.
Posted by vP® at 10:46 AM 0 reactions
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
The top 10 movies in the Philippines... so far.
Top ten films in the Philippines (As of August 2007):
- Spider-Man 3
- Transformers
- Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
- Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End
- Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer (someone actually watched this?)
- Shrek the Third
- Die Hard 4.0
- Ouija (I wanna see this)
- Ghost Rider
- Ang cute ng ina mo (-> Haha)
Posted by vP® at 1:44 PM 0 reactions
Sunday, August 12, 2007
My first Krispy Kreme
Now I get to taste it for the first time here in Dubai. Wow, it tasted really, really good. I’m not saying that because everyone says it is. But it is really that delicious. Wish I could have more…. Well, everything comes at a price. Each doughnut costs about 4.50 Dirhams… that amounts to about 60 pesos per doughnut. (What?!)
Posted by vP® at 4:10 PM 0 reactions
Labels: doughnuts, krispy kreme
Weekend Movie Marathon: Part Deux
Despite the weird occurrences that happened this weekend, I still got to enjoy a few movies that I didn’t get to see in the theaters.

Posted by vP® at 3:17 PM 0 reactions
Frustrations and pressures
Did you ever get that feeling that everything you do is always wrong? Or that every itsy bitsy tiny mistake you make seems to be something that you committed serious? Well, it was a weird weekend for me.
I don’t know, but for some reason I got scolded a lot. There was a time when I was just sitting down to eat, and then I was told that I didn’t get the water for drinking. After that, I was told that how am I going to survive living by myself if I can’t even get a bottle of water. Shocked that I am, I tried to explain, but I thought explaining myself would only make matters worse.
Another was when we were buying groceries. The moment we came back, I just turned on the TV. Just tried to see what’s on it (as most people do). Again I was told that here I am again trying to watch TV when I should be helping with the unpacking of the groceries. Well, actually I am going to help, and I just turned on the TV. Guess that was a big mistake.
Since then, Every move I make is a careful one. Awkward as it sounds, I am now actually afraid. I don’t know what happened; probably I was just caught in one of its mood swings…
Also, I might add. Once you’ve committed a mistake or did something really, really, wrong (for them at least). People would make it a point to remind you of that mistake every day. Even if you say that you actually did not do anything wrong, you can’t defend yourself, because you didn’t say anything. In the first place if you actually said something and started defending yourself… It’s not worth it. You’ll only be able to hear more scolding.
And then probably days after, when you finally get the guts to say it, just to be open and honest… Dismissal is only what you’ll get. You’ll either be told again that you are too sensitive… saying that it was only a small thing and you should probably dismiss it or be scolded again yet for another reason you can’t seem to understand.
So now you can get a grasp of what I feel right now. I’m not mad, just shocked that despite doing my best and trying to suppress my feelings (I’m feeling very homesick), I guess that just isn’t enough… and probably you know now why I don’t tell such things… Pressures really arise when people expect so much from you. You have to try and let them see you can do it… even if you really, really, can’t.
Posted by vP® at 3:09 PM 0 reactions
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
From dreams to nightmares...
Last night, I had those dreams where it went from a nice little dream to some people say a ‘nightmare’. I guess this is the stuff horror movies are made of, and I think I ought to share it with you guys.
My family and I were going on a skiing trip (even though I’ve never seen snow in my entire life). It was great dream; I get to spend a nice quality time with my family. We were then staying in this wooden cottage near the mountains and have a comfy fireplace. I was dressing up in PJ’s and immediately went to bed. I woke up suddenly in the middle of the night and heard a tip-toeing sound, as if like someone was walking in the hallway outside of out room. It couldn’t be anyone from my family as they were all fast asleep with me in the room.
Then I just saw the door of our room open slowly, but I couldn’t see anything. Feeling a little afraid now, I remained in my bed and hid under the covers. Then I tried to see what it is. From my bed, lying down, I saw a top of a head. I could only see the top of the head because it seemed like it was crawling towards me. Somehow I didn’t feel any fear… until it went up my bed and saw her face. Yes, it was a girl. She actually reminded me of the creepy ghost woman crawling down the stairs from the Grudge movie. I saw her face, it was lifeless. Her lips were white and she just blankly stared at me. Then she suddenly grabbed my throat and started choking it. I couldn’t scream or even move. Deep in my sleep I just wished I would wake up.
And then I did, good thing my tita didn’t notice me. I was actually panting and breathing heavily. I went to go drink a glass of water. It was creepy. I never had a dream like that before. And it definitely scared me. It was 3:30am, and from that moment I just closed my eyes and tried to sleep again. I wish I wouldn’t have a dram like that again. I still get chills when I remember that dream.
Posted by vP® at 9:15 AM 1 reactions
Labels: dreams, nightmares
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Review: The Simpsons Movie

Posted by vP® at 7:58 AM 0 reactions
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Spider-Man 4 news...
""I want to help contribute to the production," he said. "I don't know if I'll just be a producer on it but if I can work with the writer in such a way so that directing would be right for me, I don't know...."
Will he come back as a director? I hope so.
Read more about that at
Posted by vP® at 7:54 AM 0 reactions
Labels: news, spider-man
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Book Review: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Posted by vP® at 2:34 PM 0 reactions
Labels: book, harry potter, review