I have seen the last four Harry Potter movies on its first day of showing. Now that I am here in Dubai, I wouldn’t ruin my record. Hehe. I read the 5th book about December 2004, and if I am not mistaken it is the longest book in the series. I also think it is one of the darkest. Now, I initially had my doubts with the film when I saw it’s 2-hour, 18-minute running time. For a book that long, will they be able to fit all the necessary events in the book with that runtime? I watched the film with high anticipation, and upon seeing the opening titles, I joyfully clapped along with the excited audience. The movie was very dark, reminiscent of Prisoner of Azkaban. The main plot is that Harry must prove to everyone that Voldemort (er, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named) is back, and is now wielding a war against all who would not follow him. As always, the main actors continue to grow into their roles. While the writer tries to keep everything at a nice pacing, there are some scenes included that were not fully explained. I guess only readers of the book would actually know the full sense of that scene. One for example, was Percy’s (Ron’s older brother) appearance with the Minister of Magic. It was never explained why he was with the Minister, and why on Christmas he wasn’t with the Weasley family. With all that aside, I think it is a wonderful film. Audiences would mostly admire Harry’s first love, and also witnessing his first kiss. Directing was good; David Yates was a proper choice in movie number 5 (I think he’ll be returning for the Half Blood Prince). The one thing that I liked is the number of cameos in the film. While the characters they are portraying are really characters on the book, I considered them cameos because of despite their small screen time; they were able to steal the show. For me, the best performers were Imelda Staunton and Helene Bonham Carter, who perfectly played their roles of Dolores Jane Umbridge and Bellatrix Lestrange, respectively. The special were, as always, very good. I was left in awe during the battle at the Ministry of Magic. All in all, it was a dark yet fun film. This is one of those book-to-film movies that really give a different experience to audiences, whether they may be reading the book or watching the film. For comparison, I have included a score for the book and the film for all 5 Harry Potter book and film.
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (a.k.a. Philosopher’s Stone)
Movie: 7/10 Book: 6/10
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Movie: 8/10 Book: 7/10
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Movie: 8.5/10 Book: 9/10
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Movie: 8/10 Book: 8/10
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Movie: 8.5/10 Book: 7.5/10
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
Book: 8/10
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